The Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the Society of Early Americanists will convene on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, 5-8 June 2025.
The Society of Early Americanists is seeking proposals for papers as well as complete panels, workshops, and round tables by 31 October 2024.
In order to submit a proposal, please visit and create an account. Click on the tab for “submissions” and “my submissions.” Then click on “new submissions.” Then choose a track. You may:
- Submit a complete panel, workshop, or roundtable. For this option, choose track: “Complete panel or roundtable for general program.”
- Submit a paper for a thematic panel stream related to the keynotes and plenary panels. For this option, choose the thematic track of your choice: Literature and Place; Archives and Experimental Writing; Religion and Literature; and 1776.
- Submit a freestanding paper for which you would like the program committee to find a place in the general program. For this option, choose track: “Paper for General Program.”
General information:
In order to submit a proposal for a complete panel or roundtable, include a cover sheet with the contact information of the panel chair, the title of the panel or roundtable, the names and affiliations of all confirmed panelists, and the titles of all the individual presentations (if applicable). In addition, include a ca. 250 word abstract of the panel or roundtable, as well as shorter abstracts (one paragraph) for each of the individual presentations, and short CVs for all panel participants.
In order to submit a proposal for a paper, free-standing or for one of the preapproved panel streams, submit your contact information, a short CV, as well as a title and short abstract of your paper (circa 250 words).
In the coming weeks, various cfps for open panels, workshops, and round tables will be posted on our communication platforms. Proposals for these open panels should be submitted directly to the organizers, not through the Ex Ordo website. Once those open panels and round tables have been finalized, the organizers will submit them as complete panels/workshops to the Ex Ordo website.
Prioritizing the in-person meeting: Set on the beautiful campus of the University of Notre Dame, the 2025 conference aims to restore the in-person experience of robust participation and scholarly exchange to the fullest extent possible. There are currently no plans to hold virtual panels. While hybrid options will be considered if in-person attendance is impossible, presenters are strongly encouraged to attend the conference in person. All presenters will be expected to join the SEA and pay the registration fee.
Travel Support: Some travel funding will be available, especially for graduate students, contingent faculty, and those lacking institutional support. Information about this funding, including application procedures, will be forthcoming.
Membership and Registration: If your proposal is accepted, you and all the panelists associated with your submission will be asked to:
- Have a current SEA membership; and
- Register for the conference.
You can establish or renew your membership at at any time. Conference registration will open in February of 2025 and will require proof of SEA membership.