Membership & News


“Wild Turkey. Male and Female”

The Society of Early Americanists provides a forum for scholarly and pedagogical exchange and professional support among scholars of various disciplines who study the literature and culture of America to approximately 1830. Our membership of over 500 individuals enjoys a twice-yearly newsletter detailing recent publications and activities in our field, a website that lists announcements and updates on our events, along with links to many documents of interest to early American scholars and teachers, and a listserv that posts conference announcements, queries, and scholarly pursuits. We also offer opportunities for networking and dissemination of professional work.

The SEA hosts annual conferences: in odd-numbered years, the Society hosts an open-topic general conference known as the Biennial Conference; and in even-numbered years, it hosts Special Topics conferences. Please see the SEA Conferences page for the dates and locations of those meetings.

Active SEA Membership benefits include:

  • receiving the journal Early American Literature three times a year (in print or print + digital)
  • receiving the SEA Newsletter, in PDF form twice a year
  • participating in SEA biennial and special topics conferences (after conference registration payment)
  • voting in biennial elections and participating in business meetings at the biennial and topical conferences
  • receiving periodic email messages from the SEA Executive Coordinator about the society’s activities

Please note: 

— The SEA Members-only email list is compiled with information provided by UNC Press upon purchase of a SEA membership and is used for messages from the SEA leadership.

— The SEA listserv, EARAM-L, is a moderated electronic discussion list that is free to anyone who wants to sign up.

For more information about purchasing a membership in the Society of Early Americanists, please visit the University of North Carolina Press, publisher of Early American Literature. UNC Press has a partnership with Duke University Press (DUP) for membership fulfillment. If you have questions about your membership or prefer to order by phone please contact DUP Journals Services.

  •         Order online here
  •         Email
  •         Phone toll-free in the US and Canada (888) 651-0122
  •         Phone (919) 688-5134
  •         Members should submit changes to their email address and/or physical address and direct other membership-related inquiries to: Duke University Press Journal Services via this email address:

Two-year Memberships: The society’s membership dues run for two years: this provides continuity for members’ journal subscriptions and biennial conference eligibility. Members can choose between receiving digital access to EAL or digital + print access.

Membership dues rates:

— A Regular membership rate of $140/digital or $180/digital + print is available for tenure-line faculty.

— A Discount membership rate of $70/digital or $110/digital + print is available for Graduate students, non-salaried University faculty (non-tenure-track faculty, adjuncts, instructors, and emeritus), High School teachers, historical society staff, and independent scholars.

— A Supporting membership rate of $210/digital or $250/digital + print is available for any person or institution that wishes to support the SEA above a regular or discount membership rate.  

Lifetime Memberships: When the UNC Press began managing membership services for the SEA in 2013, the Society discontinued offering lifetime membershipsGoing forward, existing lifetime members will receive complimentary access to the online version of Early American Literature and have the option of purchasing a subscription of the printed version.

Maintaining your membership helps keep the SEA alive and vibrant!

Thank you and welcome!


Image Credit: “Wild Turkey. Male and Female.” Meleagris Gallopavo. Charles L. J. L. Bonaparte, American Ornithology, Or, the Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States, Not Given by Wilson. Philadelphia: Samuel Augustus Mitchell, 1825. “Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.”


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